
Friday, July 5, 2019

The Best Night Ever! [ Our Wearable Arts Fashion Show ]

Hey Readers!
Last night [ Thursday ] we had a wearable art fashion show. It was super fun. We got into groups of 2-4, my group were Tamzin, Jayde, Gaia and me. We made a dress. The base of our dress was a black trash bag. The bodice of our dress was painted white then a coat of light blue then we painted a turtle on, next we tapped plastic straws on [ 200! ]. We then put some cut up plastic bags on the back to make it look frilly. Then rolled up the newspaper to look like coral. Then cut the rope to look like a bow. Last but not least we connected the bread tags to make a necklace. 

The model of the dress was... Me! Tamzin was the speaker and Gaia and Jayde were the main designers.
Here is a picture of the front of the dress:

And here is the back :

Thanks for reading this and see you next term