
Friday, October 25, 2019

The Mystery Of May

Hey Readers!,
Here is a story me and my friend made about to kids having magic, it is a work in progress. At school, we have been learning about D.A.D.W.A.V.E.R.S Which are things you add in your writing to give attention to the reader. It stands for :
Estimation of time
Rhetorical question
Here is my writing

The mystery of may

Lilly and Lucas weren't normal kids, they had something that
nobody else had… they had magic, magic that could make
flowers bloom, make things fly even bringing back people
from the dead, but they didn’t know it yet. This is the day
they find out about their magic.

It started as a normal morning, wake up, get dressed, have
breakfast normal stuff like that, well not that normal. Lucas
was making Lilly late for school again, but she managed to
get on time. The bus was a long ride, but the school was even
Lucas got in trouble for calling his teacher fat {Again}
and making a tantrum {AGAIN} because he didn’t want to do
a report on Animals, he wanted to do it on Video Games {Like
what normal 7-year-old boys want to do it on}.

After the longest day at school, since Lilly had to wait for over 20
mins for her brother, they went down to cool off at the lake.
Tired, from a bunch of swimming, they decided to skip rocks.
Lilly threw the first one, Failed, Lilly threw a second one, Failed
again, at this time she gave up, Lilly gives up quite easily, and
let Lucas have a go, He threw with all of his might and the rock
came skipping back.  

Amazed, they stood in silence, Lilly then said: “Did that really
“No, don’t be silly, we’re just imagining it” Lucas added, But he
too knew that it was real. He tried again and… It came back.
He tried it a third time, and you can probably guess what
happened, yep it came back. They couldn’t believe their eyes…
They had MAGIC!

Quickly, they ran into their house, bashed into their bedroom
and fell on their separate beds, still in shook. “Wow” Lilly
“Wow” Lucas whispered back...
Bye readers!