
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Our Super S.P.C.A Poster!

Hey bloggers!

For the past weeks, we have been learning about places to call or go in Christchurch if you need help. We have been writing all about them and now I know that there are so many places to go for help for different reasons like V.O.P, Woman's Refuge, Foodbank, Automobile Association and Salvation Army just to name a few. This week, we got to make our own poster for one of the company's and we got to pair up in buddy's, so I went with my friend Gaia and we did S.P.C.A. Enough chit chat, here is my poster!
So what do you think of it? Do we need to change anything? Give us some feedback so we could change some things around! Well till next time, Later Bloggers!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

My Fantastic Family Tree!

Hey Bloggers!

Everybody has a family tree, right? Well in class we all made a family tree so we could see were each other's families are from, most of my family are Kiwi's, but on my mum's side there is a little Dutch, enough chit chat, here it is:

Do you like it, Give me some feedback so I could touch up somethings! Well bye Bloggers!

How to speak Samoan!

Hey Bloggers!
The other week we were learning about the Samoan Language, and how to say the letters from the Alphabet, We got to make a slide on how to say the words, do me and my friend, Gaia, made an animation. Here it is!

Well, bye Bloggers!

Friday, February 21, 2020

My Super Statistics slide

Kai ora bloggers!

This week my maths group have been learning about Statistics. We were also shown a fun and new website to do maths tasks on called Khan Academy, it is so fun! We made a slide called Statistics WorkBook. We made it because it is a slide to keep track of our scores to see if we get better or worse, so enough talking, here's my slide 

Bye readers!

Friday, February 14, 2020

My "Perfect" Piece Of My Portrait Art

Kia Ora Bloggers!

Welcome to 2020!!!!!!
Hope you all had a great summer break and you are all prepared and excited for more learning!

Now you all know that time at school when we do something to do with drawing and painting and coloured pens and pencils, yes I am talking about Art.

Well... that is what we did in my class. 
We all did self - portraits based on a different style of art. Our art was based on an artist called Romero Britto.

Well, anyways I should show you my Art.....

Hope you like it!
Bye for now!šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜Š