
Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What I have been doing this week because of the Virus

Kia Ora bloggers!

Lots has happened this week because of Covid-19 {Corona Virus}. Well first, our school went onto lockdown, so I had to stay home. Since I had to stay home, my mum cam up with some little activity’s to do otherwise I would get board, so far I have done fitness, swimming, gaming, talking to my friends and baking { lots of baking }, it is very fun so far. Oh, and me and my friends have been talking on an app called House Party, It is super fun, you can talk to as many of your friends as you want and play games with them. Well till next time, Bye bloggers! Stay safe!

Friday, March 13, 2020

My Pepeha

Kia Ora Bloggers!

Every Friday we learn about our family’s in Maori. So after a few weeks of learning about our family’s, we started doing our pepeha’s. We got to add Bitmoji’s as people but I don’t have bitmoji so I searched up some that looks like me and my family, but other than that I hope you think that it is good. So here it is!

Till next time, Bye Bloggers!

Meet Taco the Wizard!

Kia ora Bloggers!

For our Samoa language studies, we are learning how to count in Samoan. To show what numbers we know in Samoan, we went on a coding website called Scratch, it is an easy coding site for kids, you should try it out it's really fun, ok back onto topic. Taco the Wizard is a fast translater, just put in a number { 1-20 } and Taco the Wizard will magically turn your number into Samoan. Try it out!  

So what do you think? Do you think I should add more numbers? Give me some feedback so I could fix up somethings! Well, till next time, Bye Bloggers!

Friday, March 6, 2020

My Samoan Language Studies

Hey Bloggers!

Every Wednesday, when the morning group is at Tech, the rest of the class do tasks, { like what I said on my last post } some do Samoan some do binary. So the last post I did one on binary, here is one on what we have been learning about Samoa. So far we have been learning about the Alphabet, but last Wednesday we were learning about how to count to ten in Samoan, it is not on my slide yet but it has some fun facts and the alphabet on it :

Hope you like it so far, Well, till next time, Bye bloggers!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Here is a challenge for you.....

Hey bloggers!

Every Wednesday morning half of the class goes to Tech, but the people who stay behind do work about the Samoan language or learn about binary. This Wednesday we did a drawing and put them into binary numbers, so here is a challenge for you, I will but some binary numbers here and you have to make it into a picture. Here it is:



See if you can do it, oh and the 1's are black and the 0's are white. Cya later Bloggers!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

My Sestina / NZ writing

Hey Bloggers!

For Literacy this week we have made a Sestina { A Sestina has six sentences with six words in each sentence and it is a poem }. Here is my Sestina:

1. The plane starts to take off
2. Sunny hot days at the beach
3. Me and my family having fun
4. Me swimming with dolphins up North
5. At Bay of Islands for Christmas
6. On the plane back to Christchurch

Well, that was my Sestina for NZ writing. We will be sending these to a school in Hamilton. We are looking forward to reading theirs.

Well, till next time
See ya Bloggers!