
Friday, July 24, 2020

~.*+~ Film Noir ~+*.~

Kia Ora Bloggers~!

For literacy, we have been discussing the topic of Film Noir. Film Noir is a type of genre that was made during the 1940s and 1950s, and it is made with a mixture of different genres, like romance, mystery etc. It's a black and white film with lots of shadows, like lots. For our literacy, we have been assigned to create a skit for a Film Noir 'movie'. Mine is called "The Murderer's Friend'. Here is my skit, Oh and I only have the characters I will be writing more :

Hope you think the characters are good so far~! Bye Bloggers~!!!

+.*~How to solve terms!~*.+

Kia Ora Bloggers~!
How was your holiday? What did you get up to?
I was sick over the holidays, so I did not get to do much :(

Today, at school, we did some 'catch up' on maths, And over our maths lessons, we have been learning about Terms! So I think we have learnt it before, but we are just getting a catch upon it. 
So for our task, we got to make either an Adobe spark, screencastify and/or an animation, I chose a video/Adobe spark. It took me a while to make it but, I have finally made it! So here it is :

Hope you enjoyed the video! And I hope that it helps you out with solving terms~! Bye Bloggers~!!!

Friday, July 3, 2020

~+*. Our beautiful Aurora Borealis .*+~

Kia Ora Bloggers~!
Its the last week of school! *well for most of you* Are you excited? What will you be getting up to in the holidays? I might be going to Kaikoura to see my Grandparents. 

Today we have been finishing up our topic on Matariki, and now we are discussing the beautiful, Aurora Borealis {or as you may call then the northern lights }.  

The Northern Lights are colourful lights that light up the sky usually in the North pole, and in the South Pole, It is called Aurora australis. The colours are usually blue and green, but sometimes it's Violet, yellow, pink, orange and sometimes red. The name Aurora comes from the Roman goddess of Dawn because in Latin it means Aurora. 

Here is my Art, It was pretty simple ~ 

Hope you think it looks good! Well, hope you all have an amazing Holiday! Bye Bloggers~!