
Friday, December 6, 2019

It's Spanish time!!! :D

Hola! Como estase? Me llamo CariDee, Adios amigos!

Yes, as you can tell I was speaking in Spanish, and that is what I have been learning for the past 2 weeks, and it is really fun and interesting.

Because of Spanish I now know how to start and end a conversation, I know the alphabet and I can count to ten like this:
Uno, Dos, Tres, Quatro, Cinco, Seis, Seietre, Ocho, Nueve and Dieze :D

Well, bye readers! :)

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Japan Art and Culture

 Hey readers!
This week I have have been learning about Japan art and Culture. Any feedback please let me know. I hope you enjoy your long weekend and my slide!
Bye For now readers! :D

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

My Childhood Vs.....

Hey Readers!
I have made a slide about the differences of my Childhood vs Jamal's/Bibi's Childhood { Jamal and Bibi are the main characters of the book I have been reading, Boy Overboard }. So here is the slide! 

Boy Overboard Word Art

Hey Readers,
This is word art I have made for the book I have been reading, Boy Overboard. We skimmed and scammed through the first 6 chapters and wrote keywords of the story on a piece of word art we were making, and this is how it turned out. My favorite keywords are Survivor, Love, Family, and Pirates.
  Bye Readers!!!!!🙂😻😺

Friday, November 8, 2019

Inuit Info Slide

Hey readers!
This week for school I have been learning about Inuit culture. We have made a slide about how their normal life goes, Their family and about their houses. It is a work in progress. So hope you enjoy it!
Bye Readers!

Friday, November 1, 2019

African Cutlure

Hey Readers!
This week I have been learning about African art and culture, and it was super fun! We made an Adobe Spark about Africa. I made it with my friend, Brittney.{You should check out her blog}. It is a work in progress. Hope you like it. Bye Readers!
Click on here! :D

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Mystery Of May

Hey Readers!,
Here is a story me and my friend made about to kids having magic, it is a work in progress. At school, we have been learning about D.A.D.W.A.V.E.R.S Which are things you add in your writing to give attention to the reader. It stands for :
Estimation of time
Rhetorical question
Here is my writing

The mystery of may

Lilly and Lucas weren't normal kids, they had something that
nobody else had… they had magic, magic that could make
flowers bloom, make things fly even bringing back people
from the dead, but they didn’t know it yet. This is the day
they find out about their magic.

It started as a normal morning, wake up, get dressed, have
breakfast normal stuff like that, well not that normal. Lucas
was making Lilly late for school again, but she managed to
get on time. The bus was a long ride, but the school was even
Lucas got in trouble for calling his teacher fat {Again}
and making a tantrum {AGAIN} because he didn’t want to do
a report on Animals, he wanted to do it on Video Games {Like
what normal 7-year-old boys want to do it on}.

After the longest day at school, since Lilly had to wait for over 20
mins for her brother, they went down to cool off at the lake.
Tired, from a bunch of swimming, they decided to skip rocks.
Lilly threw the first one, Failed, Lilly threw a second one, Failed
again, at this time she gave up, Lilly gives up quite easily, and
let Lucas have a go, He threw with all of his might and the rock
came skipping back.  

Amazed, they stood in silence, Lilly then said: “Did that really
“No, don’t be silly, we’re just imagining it” Lucas added, But he
too knew that it was real. He tried again and… It came back.
He tried it a third time, and you can probably guess what
happened, yep it came back. They couldn’t believe their eyes…
They had MAGIC!

Quickly, they ran into their house, bashed into their bedroom
and fell on their separate beds, still in shook. “Wow” Lilly
“Wow” Lucas whispered back...
Bye readers!

Monday, September 23, 2019

Families should spend more time together - My opinion

Hey Readers, 
This term for Reading/Writing we have been looking at persuasive writing. We looked at adverts and infomercials, my favorite infomercial was a popcorn bowl. I liked that it started off black and white showing the bad side, but then it bursts into color for when they showed the product, and I liked that they used lots of repetition. For our persuasive writing, we had to choose from: Why families should spend more time together, Palm oil plantation needs to be stopped, Toroa students should be able to wear caps instead of bucket hats. I chose why families should spend more time together. Here is my persuasive writing:

Why families should spend more time together
Hey you, Yes you, When was the last time you spent time with your family, you’ve probably been watching T.V or on your device I'm guessing, Well when time passes it will get really awkward around family and you won’t be talking as much, So that’s why I think that families should spend more time together!
Spending time with family builds good relationships with each other. Having a good relationship with parents, help children to feel more secure and you get to know each other better.
To communicate with family you have to spend time with them. Spending time with family will develop healthy relationships, and if something happens they/ you will feel comfortable to talk about it. It will also help with Happiness as kids won’t feel hurt or upset.
Spending time together also develops positive behaviors at school and at home. Parents can give motivation and support kids in their learning. And spending time together helps a growth mindset and to talk about stuff at school so kids don’t feel alone
A way to spend time with family is to get out of the house and go somewhere, to the movie, the zoo or go on holiday, but people might not have much money or are saving it up well there are lots of other places to go like the museum, the beach or just stay home and play a game..

Spending time with Family is an important thing in life and teaches you how to be a good parent and means you will want to share your life with your parents and siblings when you're older. So now... What are your plans for the weekend?
Do you spend enough time with your family?

Monday, September 16, 2019

Our amazing, Magical Maths animation!

Hey Readers!
Here is my Short division animation. It is about a girl helping another girl with short division. I made it from Google slides, And I made it be fun and funny. Hope you enjoy it!

Thursday, August 29, 2019

My Amazing Refugee Kahoot

Hey Readers,
Today I have done my Refugee Kahoot. Refugee is the book I have been reading for literacy this term, it is about 3 kids trying to escape their country and it is a pretty interesting book, you should read it!
Well, bye readers!

Here :D

Monday, August 26, 2019

Why Single Used Plastics Have Got To Go!

Hey Readers,
Here is my Persuasive Writing Slide. It is a work in progress. It is about Single used plastics.
Hope you enjoy it, Bye!

Friday, August 23, 2019

My Rocking Refugee slide!

Hey Readers!
At school, my class has been reading a book called Refugee and been doing tasks on it. The book is about 3 kids trying to escape their country. 

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Amazing dog flinger!

Hey Readers,
For literacy, we have been looking at Adverts, after some discussion on Adverts we got to make our own, so I and my friend Brittney made an advert about a ball flinger for a dog, it took us a while but in the end, the work paid off. 
Bye Readers!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

My Cool Orangutan Animation!

Hey Readers,

For writing this term we are looking at persuasive language. This is an animation to persuade you that the orangutans need protecting. Their environment is being destroyed for the production of Palm Oil. We can stop this by not buying products, that contain Palm oil. Bye!

Friday, July 5, 2019

The Best Night Ever! [ Our Wearable Arts Fashion Show ]

Hey Readers!
Last night [ Thursday ] we had a wearable art fashion show. It was super fun. We got into groups of 2-4, my group were Tamzin, Jayde, Gaia and me. We made a dress. The base of our dress was a black trash bag. The bodice of our dress was painted white then a coat of light blue then we painted a turtle on, next we tapped plastic straws on [ 200! ]. We then put some cut up plastic bags on the back to make it look frilly. Then rolled up the newspaper to look like coral. Then cut the rope to look like a bow. Last but not least we connected the bread tags to make a necklace. 

The model of the dress was... Me! Tamzin was the speaker and Gaia and Jayde were the main designers.
Here is a picture of the front of the dress:

And here is the back :

Thanks for reading this and see you next term

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

3D Castle

Hey Readers,
Here is my 3D Castle I have drawn. I have made it out of cubes and pyramids. I have drawn it on Isometric dotted paper. Hope you like it. 

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Paper Description

Hey Readers,
This is my description on a video we watched called Broken. I made this character description of a girl called paper. I have made this character description on Google Slides. I hope you enjoy it. 

Friday, May 10, 2019

My Terrific Tessellation

Hey Readers, 
For math we have been learning about Tessellation. If you don't know what I am talking about, here is one I made for you. It is made out of diamonds and triangles. I made it from Google Slides.
Bye readers! 

Monday, April 8, 2019

An update for my Goal ladder!

I have partly achieved my goals. I have changed my reading goal because i have completed it. I am up to the 4th bit of the ladder for writing. and for math i am up to the first stage of the ladder.

Friday, March 22, 2019

My Magnificent, Magical Maori Meanings!

Hey readers, 
Here is a slide that me and my class have been doing for Moari. I made these drawings at a site called Auto draw. Hope you like it, Bye!

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Mathematical car logos

Hey readers
Here is a slide that i have made in math called mathematical car logos. Hope you enjoy. 

Thursday, March 7, 2019

My Math slide

Hey readers!
This is my slide of what I am doing in math. Here are my scores of the test I do.


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Words To Interest People Slide!

Hey Readers
Here is a slide with a whole lot of words for writing to interest everyone. I made these helpful pictures from a site called Word Art. Hope this helps you out.

Friday, February 22, 2019

My Camp, Reflection, 5R's video!

Hello there! This is my camp reflection. I made it from a site called Biteable, It is the easiest and simplest video maker. Hope you enjoy!!!

My AMAZING blog post! [ of my graffiti brick ]

Hello this is my graffiti brick that I made. If there is any advise for my brick let me know!🐣🦄

Thursday, February 21, 2019

My amazing goal ladder!!!! Yay

Hey Readers!
Here is my goal ladder I have made for Reading, Writing, Math and Other. Hope you enjoy!

Monday, February 18, 2019


Hello everyone! Here is a slide that me and my friends did on the 5R's. Hope you enjoy!