
Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Amazing dog flinger!

Hey Readers,
For literacy, we have been looking at Adverts, after some discussion on Adverts we got to make our own, so I and my friend Brittney made an advert about a ball flinger for a dog, it took us a while but in the end, the work paid off. 
Bye Readers!


  1. Hi CariDee, what an amazing animation. You have really captured the idea of using persuasive language, and have made it really fun. I particularly like the way you put the slobber on the ball, and drew the /flinger'. Well done :o)

  2. Hi CariDee, It’s Taylor here. I really liked the detail you put into your advertisement, especially how you made the characters expression change! I think it’s awesome you got to discuss advertisements in your class, what did you discuss? Is there a reason you chose the ball flinger? Maybe next time you could tell us a little bit more about what you learnt and discussed :)


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