
Thursday, August 29, 2019

My Amazing Refugee Kahoot

Hey Readers,
Today I have done my Refugee Kahoot. Refugee is the book I have been reading for literacy this term, it is about 3 kids trying to escape their country and it is a pretty interesting book, you should read it!
Well, bye readers!

Here :D

Monday, August 26, 2019

Why Single Used Plastics Have Got To Go!

Hey Readers,
Here is my Persuasive Writing Slide. It is a work in progress. It is about Single used plastics.
Hope you enjoy it, Bye!

Friday, August 23, 2019

My Rocking Refugee slide!

Hey Readers!
At school, my class has been reading a book called Refugee and been doing tasks on it. The book is about 3 kids trying to escape their country. 

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Amazing dog flinger!

Hey Readers,
For literacy, we have been looking at Adverts, after some discussion on Adverts we got to make our own, so I and my friend Brittney made an advert about a ball flinger for a dog, it took us a while but in the end, the work paid off. 
Bye Readers!

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

My Cool Orangutan Animation!

Hey Readers,

For writing this term we are looking at persuasive language. This is an animation to persuade you that the orangutans need protecting. Their environment is being destroyed for the production of Palm Oil. We can stop this by not buying products, that contain Palm oil. Bye!