
Friday, May 22, 2020

Welcome back!

Kia Ora Bloggers!

Welcome back to school! It is great seeing my friends again, and you're probably thinking that too. At my school {in my class} it's gone back to normal and I am happy that it is, after those 8 weeks, I have really been missing school and my friends {like I said before}.  

Over the time in lockdown, my literacy class have been discussing The Wizard Of Oz, First, we had to read the book, we did some tasks, then we got to watch the movie, and did more tasks and now I am at school. Right now for The Wizard of Oz, we are making a website to show people stuff like behind the scenes, Theories and a little description for each character in the film/book. Here is a screenshot of what it looks like so far, I will add a link for when it is done :D
For maths, we have been learning about Plan, front and side. Plan front and side are kinda like a way to see stuff in a kind of 3D way. Plan means a birds-eye view of the object, Front is obviously the front of the object, and side is the side of the object. Here is a screenshot for my front, side and plan, I did it of my cupboard.
Have you made a website before? Have you learnt about Plan, front and side? Have you seen the Wizard of Oz before? Hope you are happy and healthy and enjoy your weekend! Bye Bloggers!!


  1. Hey CariDee! Well done on your blog post! It looks amazing. It's very colourful and very interesting. And no I haven't made a website before and I have seen the wizard of oz before but that quite some time ago so I don't really remember most of it.
    From your coolest friend ever... Gaia :3

  2. Hey Caridee!
    I love your blog post! Your drawing of the cabinet is really good! I'm glad your learning about bird's eye view because it's really important! Your Wizard of OZ website looks amazing too! Can't wait to see it finished <3

    ~ Tamzin


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