
Friday, August 28, 2020

~+.*~ My Story Book! ~*.+~

 Kia Ora Bloggers~!

How are you? What have you been up to? 

In literacy, we have been going over the topic of Children's books, and that we would be making one. The first thing we did was plan, it took us a while too, as we have never written a children's book before. So we writ it, then we had to illustrate it. I would put on the illustrated version on here, but I don't know how, so here is the story ~

~ Flora’s Forest Friends ~ 

There is a secret land out there, Weirder than you seem

It’s beyond the clouds and beyond your dreams

There is a Land full of laugher and fun

Where kids love to play under the bright orange sun

There is a forest full of Animals and Buzzy Bees

Bright green grass and tall Brown Trees

It’s an amazing place to go and play

But nobody goes there anyways

Except for one girl who plays there every day

Her name is Flora Breeze, she is kind, caring & very smart

And she has a very big heart

But one day, When Flora went to play

She saw some greedy men building a cafe

Her heart sunk and broke into two

She started thinking about what she should do

She ran to her Aunty Oliva, the person who knew 

All about the forest

{Also known as the best Florist}

She told her Aunty everything, and what those greedy men were doing

They were thinking and thinking, then an idea started Brewing

They ran back to the Forest with a grin on their face

And into the bush, they jumped with a quick pace

Flora quickly jumped in front of the guys

And gave them a pair of Puppy eyes

The working men stopped, they didn’t know what to say

They would never see this on a warm summer day!

{Oh, By the way

Kids would usually be inside playing games,

And not enjoying the nice weather! Oh, what a shame!}

The men looked at her weirdly, then heard her say

“Why are you taking the Animals homes away?”

The men then thought about what they are doing to these poor animals

They then started destroying the ‘cafe’s’ walls

Flora was confused “ Why are you doing that”

“You have really changed our thoughts little girl,” Said the Workmen back

Flora then smiled, She had saved the day

She ran back to her Aunt and shouted “Hooray!”

A few months later the forest was like brand new

More families and Animals started going there too

Some kind people built a park and grew more trees

And somebody even made a statue of Flora Breeze

And under the statute, it says Flora, the hero that saved the Forest and the day

And like Flora said, “The Forest, Will stay!”

{And everybody lived happily ever.

The End. :P}

This week is Maths week, so 'Kind of' the whole week, we got to try out new maths skills, and on Friday/Today, we got to play fun maths games, like Bingo, Greedy pig, Maths baseball and Countdown, and we got to have a maths scavenger hunt with our buddy's, overall, Maths week was really fun!

So, What will you be doing in the weekend? I hope you do something fun!

Well, till next time, bye bloggers!

P.s sorry I have not been posting lately! :(


  1. Kia Ora CariDee!
    You did an amazing job! I thought it awesome! You put a lot of detail and put out a great message. I liked how you described things and at the start it really hooked me. (P.S I have to be anonymous cuz my account isn't working)
    ~ Gaia :3

    1. Ty Gaia~!
      Hope you have an amazing rest of the day~!
      CariDee <3


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