
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

~*.+~ Its sign language week! ~+.*~

Minasan, Konnichiwa~!

{P.s, this still means 'Hello everybody~!' but in Japanese, but last post I actually did write it in Japanese, this is just the 'English' way of saying it}

How are you all feeling today?

This week is NZD Sign language week~! Did you know that? NZSL is very unique to NZ and it is the main language of NZ's Deaf community. NZSL became an official language in New Zealand in April 2006. NZSL was created by Deaf people for Deaf people.

Today we got to do some fun tasks that include learning sign language, first we got to play a really fun game called Sign Ninja, It's a game where you have to do lot's of tasks about sign language to get to the next level. We also had to make a video of us sing "Hi, My name is......." So here is mine~! 

I hope you enjoyed~! 
Min'na sayōnara ~! {That means Bye everybody in Japanese :3}

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

~.+*~ Movie time! ~*+.~

みなさん, こんにちは~! (Minasan, kon'nichiwa~!)

{P.s, That text above me means 'Hello everybody~!' in Japanese.}

How are you all? What did you do in the week end?

For maths this week, and a bit of last week, we have been disscussing the topic for 24-hour time, we did a few tasks on it, and its suprisingly pretty easy, well, easier than I thought it was going to be. But today, and a bit of yesterday, we got to do a create task, and that create task was to turn movie times table in to 24-hour and 12-hour times, it sounds a bit confusing the way I put it, so I am just gonna put the slide here so you can see it for yourself lol ~ 

I hope this makes a bit more sense for when you look at it, well, till next time, Bye Bloggers~!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

~*.+~ My Minecraft clock ~+.*~

 Kia Ora Bloggers~!

How are you? What did you get up to in the weekends?

This week for Maths we have been learning about digital and analog clocks and times, and we got to create a digital and analog clock on Minecraft ( Education mode ). I made both of the clocks with my friends, they were very easy and fun to make, here are my clocks~!

I couldn't fit the numbers on the analog clock, but I hope you like them, Bye Bloggers~!

Friday, September 11, 2020

~*.+~ My weekly update ~+.*~

 Kia Ora Bloggers~!

How are you today? What have you been doing?

This week for maths, we learnt about time and clocks, such as learning about Analog and digital and we did a few tasks to keep our knowledge up about time. Today though, we got to go on Minecraft Education and make an Analog clock and a digital clock, I didn't get to finish it, but when I do I will post it :>

For Literacy, we have been working hard on our video essays, I have not finished mine yet, but it is almost done. My genre is Anime. :> 

Today we got to hang out with our Kiwi buddies again, and we got to colour in a 'Cattipiler thing', So what me and my buddy did is we wrote our names neatly, and we drew hearts around them, For decoration, we drew a rainbow, clouds and some flowers.

This has been a super fun week and I hope you have an awesome weekend~!

Bye Bloggers~!