
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

~.+*~ Movie time! ~*+.~

みなさん, こんにちは~! (Minasan, kon'nichiwa~!)

{P.s, That text above me means 'Hello everybody~!' in Japanese.}

How are you all? What did you do in the week end?

For maths this week, and a bit of last week, we have been disscussing the topic for 24-hour time, we did a few tasks on it, and its suprisingly pretty easy, well, easier than I thought it was going to be. But today, and a bit of yesterday, we got to do a create task, and that create task was to turn movie times table in to 24-hour and 12-hour times, it sounds a bit confusing the way I put it, so I am just gonna put the slide here so you can see it for yourself lol ~ 

I hope this makes a bit more sense for when you look at it, well, till next time, Bye Bloggers~!

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