
Friday, December 4, 2020

+*~ My 'Weekly' update ~*+

 Hiya Bloggers~! <3

How are you? Are you excited for the weekend? 

This week, for the non-swimmers { Most of our class goes to swimming lessons, some stay back and do other tasks }, we got to do really fun tasks while the swimmers where having PJ day. For our tasks, we got a variety of tasks to choose from and we had to do at least 2 a week, the swimmers have to do at least 1 a week. For my tasks, I chose to write a book about 2020 and what has been happening at our school, the other one I chose was to create your own superhero or villain, I chose to do a superhero~! So.. here is my superhero slide ~

And here is my book~!
Not here YET ;~; ( I will post it though~! )
I hope you like them~! Welp, Cya Bloggers~!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

+*~ My school in MINECRAFT!!! ~*+

Hiya Bloggerrrsssss~!

Sorry I haven't been posting in a while qwq..

For the past few weeks in Maths, we have been focusing on a very very fun task, to build our school in Minecraft. I thought that the task was gonna be SUPER easy, well, t was a bit harder than I thought it was gonna be.. Well... since I { and my friends } am extra, I wanted it to have {almost} the same hight, the windows in the right place, so on, so forth. well.. enough chit chat, here is the image of my school in Minecraft form ~ 

I hope you link it looks good~! Welp, till next time.. CYA BLOGGERS~!!! :))))))

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

~+*~ Basically my weekly update ~*+~

 Minasan, Konnichiwa~!

How are you all? What did you do for Halloween?

This week has been pretty fun so far, Yesterday half of my class went sailing~! The downside of it was that is was freezing cold, and it rained a bit too.

Every Wednesday, half of my class go to Technology in the mornings {they are also known as the Morning group}, and in the afternoon the other half of the class go {they are also known as the afternoon group, and fun fact, I am part of that group~!}. But when the morning group aren't at school, the rest of us learn about our culture and do tasks about it. We have been given create tasks to do, here are two of mine~! One is about Hangis and the other is a poster for a fun traditional Maori game~! ~

Well, I hope you have learnt something new~! Cya Bloggers~!

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Kākahu or Korowai~?! {P.s Only 2 more days until Halloween~!}

Minasan, Konnichiwa~! :3

How are you all doing?  Are you excited for Halloween? What are you dressing up as?

Today, half of our class are very lucky, they get to go sailing! But, it isn't the best weather for it. The rest of the class get to stay inside and complete our Maori Ako and other things~! For my Maori Ako task was to talk about Kākahu and Korowai cloaks, They are used to show bravery and leadership and they are a very special part of our Maori culture and tradition. Here is my slide that talks all about them ~ 

I hope you have learnt some things about it~! Cya Bloggers~!

Friday, October 16, 2020

~*+~ Welcome back~! ~+*~

 Minasan, kon'nichiwa~!

How are you all~? What did you get up to in the holidays~?

For my first Term back we got back into our normal learning, Numeracy, Literacy & Inquiry.

In Numeracy, we are starting to go over the topic of Fractions, so far, we have been doing worksheets, they are a bit challenging but kinda fun at the same time.

In Literacy, we have been making our own movies~! Well, were writing scripts for it, for my script that my friends and I are writing is about a fun game we all play called Flicker, it's kinda like a murder mystery type of game, it's very fun to play. We have not finished our script yet, but I can show you the character description for everybody that is in the movie/script ~

Over the Holidays ~ I spent most of it up in Kaikoura, visiting my Grandad and Grandma, we went to the beach, to the shops, we played the Wii, we were going to go fishing but the weather was really bad.

But I hope you all had an amazing holiday~! Sayōnara

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

~*.+~ Its sign language week! ~+.*~

Minasan, Konnichiwa~!

{P.s, this still means 'Hello everybody~!' but in Japanese, but last post I actually did write it in Japanese, this is just the 'English' way of saying it}

How are you all feeling today?

This week is NZD Sign language week~! Did you know that? NZSL is very unique to NZ and it is the main language of NZ's Deaf community. NZSL became an official language in New Zealand in April 2006. NZSL was created by Deaf people for Deaf people.

Today we got to do some fun tasks that include learning sign language, first we got to play a really fun game called Sign Ninja, It's a game where you have to do lot's of tasks about sign language to get to the next level. We also had to make a video of us sing "Hi, My name is......." So here is mine~! 

I hope you enjoyed~! 
Min'na sayōnara ~! {That means Bye everybody in Japanese :3}

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

~.+*~ Movie time! ~*+.~

みなさん, こんにちは~! (Minasan, kon'nichiwa~!)

{P.s, That text above me means 'Hello everybody~!' in Japanese.}

How are you all? What did you do in the week end?

For maths this week, and a bit of last week, we have been disscussing the topic for 24-hour time, we did a few tasks on it, and its suprisingly pretty easy, well, easier than I thought it was going to be. But today, and a bit of yesterday, we got to do a create task, and that create task was to turn movie times table in to 24-hour and 12-hour times, it sounds a bit confusing the way I put it, so I am just gonna put the slide here so you can see it for yourself lol ~ 

I hope this makes a bit more sense for when you look at it, well, till next time, Bye Bloggers~!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

~*.+~ My Minecraft clock ~+.*~

 Kia Ora Bloggers~!

How are you? What did you get up to in the weekends?

This week for Maths we have been learning about digital and analog clocks and times, and we got to create a digital and analog clock on Minecraft ( Education mode ). I made both of the clocks with my friends, they were very easy and fun to make, here are my clocks~!

I couldn't fit the numbers on the analog clock, but I hope you like them, Bye Bloggers~!

Friday, September 11, 2020

~*.+~ My weekly update ~+.*~

 Kia Ora Bloggers~!

How are you today? What have you been doing?

This week for maths, we learnt about time and clocks, such as learning about Analog and digital and we did a few tasks to keep our knowledge up about time. Today though, we got to go on Minecraft Education and make an Analog clock and a digital clock, I didn't get to finish it, but when I do I will post it :>

For Literacy, we have been working hard on our video essays, I have not finished mine yet, but it is almost done. My genre is Anime. :> 

Today we got to hang out with our Kiwi buddies again, and we got to colour in a 'Cattipiler thing', So what me and my buddy did is we wrote our names neatly, and we drew hearts around them, For decoration, we drew a rainbow, clouds and some flowers.

This has been a super fun week and I hope you have an awesome weekend~!

Bye Bloggers~!

Friday, August 28, 2020

~+.*~ My Story Book! ~*.+~

 Kia Ora Bloggers~!

How are you? What have you been up to? 

In literacy, we have been going over the topic of Children's books, and that we would be making one. The first thing we did was plan, it took us a while too, as we have never written a children's book before. So we writ it, then we had to illustrate it. I would put on the illustrated version on here, but I don't know how, so here is the story ~

~ Flora’s Forest Friends ~ 

There is a secret land out there, Weirder than you seem

It’s beyond the clouds and beyond your dreams

There is a Land full of laugher and fun

Where kids love to play under the bright orange sun

There is a forest full of Animals and Buzzy Bees

Bright green grass and tall Brown Trees

It’s an amazing place to go and play

But nobody goes there anyways

Except for one girl who plays there every day

Her name is Flora Breeze, she is kind, caring & very smart

And she has a very big heart

But one day, When Flora went to play

She saw some greedy men building a cafe

Her heart sunk and broke into two

She started thinking about what she should do

She ran to her Aunty Oliva, the person who knew 

All about the forest

{Also known as the best Florist}

She told her Aunty everything, and what those greedy men were doing

They were thinking and thinking, then an idea started Brewing

They ran back to the Forest with a grin on their face

And into the bush, they jumped with a quick pace

Flora quickly jumped in front of the guys

And gave them a pair of Puppy eyes

The working men stopped, they didn’t know what to say

They would never see this on a warm summer day!

{Oh, By the way

Kids would usually be inside playing games,

And not enjoying the nice weather! Oh, what a shame!}

The men looked at her weirdly, then heard her say

“Why are you taking the Animals homes away?”

The men then thought about what they are doing to these poor animals

They then started destroying the ‘cafe’s’ walls

Flora was confused “ Why are you doing that”

“You have really changed our thoughts little girl,” Said the Workmen back

Flora then smiled, She had saved the day

She ran back to her Aunt and shouted “Hooray!”

A few months later the forest was like brand new

More families and Animals started going there too

Some kind people built a park and grew more trees

And somebody even made a statue of Flora Breeze

And under the statute, it says Flora, the hero that saved the Forest and the day

And like Flora said, “The Forest, Will stay!”

{And everybody lived happily ever.

The End. :P}

This week is Maths week, so 'Kind of' the whole week, we got to try out new maths skills, and on Friday/Today, we got to play fun maths games, like Bingo, Greedy pig, Maths baseball and Countdown, and we got to have a maths scavenger hunt with our buddy's, overall, Maths week was really fun!

So, What will you be doing in the weekend? I hope you do something fun!

Well, till next time, bye bloggers!

P.s sorry I have not been posting lately! :(

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

~*+.~ My Samoan Bitmoji classroom ~.+*~

 Kia Ora Bloggers~! :D

Since the start of the year, we have been learning Samoan.  This is my virtual classroom where I have put all my learning for you to also learn from.  If you hover over items in my classroom, a hyperlink will pop up for you to click on.

In my classroom you will learn about:

  • Samoa as a country

  • Link to a traditional dance video

  • Basic greetings

  • The alphabet

  • How to count 1-10 

  • Information about Siapo - how it is created, some examples

  • An animation showing a simple conversation in Samoan

I hope you enjoy my classroom and I would really like to know what you enjoyed the most.


Friday, August 14, 2020

~+.*~ E Hia! ~*.+~

 Kia ora Bloggers~!
How has your day been?

What have you been up to?

For Maori today, we got to make a poster for a fun Maori game, and a QR code to show a video on how to play it. We got into random groups with people that we don't really know { And we actually worked really well with each other } and got a game to do it on. We got a game called 'E hia', Its a really simple but fun game. Anyways, here is the poster ~

Hope you like the poster, and maybe you could try playing the game~! Bye Bloggers~!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

~ How to speak Samoan ~ :>

Hey Bloggers~!

Sorry, I have not been posting many blog posts, I will be posting more though.
Anyways, How has your day been so far?
Today we started learning about the Samoan language, and how to greet people in Samoan, so we got to make an animation on how to talk to somebody/starts a conversation in Samoan, so here is my animation ~

I hope you like it, and I hope that it helps you~! By Bloggers~!

Friday, July 24, 2020

~.*+~ Film Noir ~+*.~

Kia Ora Bloggers~!

For literacy, we have been discussing the topic of Film Noir. Film Noir is a type of genre that was made during the 1940s and 1950s, and it is made with a mixture of different genres, like romance, mystery etc. It's a black and white film with lots of shadows, like lots. For our literacy, we have been assigned to create a skit for a Film Noir 'movie'. Mine is called "The Murderer's Friend'. Here is my skit, Oh and I only have the characters I will be writing more :

Hope you think the characters are good so far~! Bye Bloggers~!!!

+.*~How to solve terms!~*.+

Kia Ora Bloggers~!
How was your holiday? What did you get up to?
I was sick over the holidays, so I did not get to do much :(

Today, at school, we did some 'catch up' on maths, And over our maths lessons, we have been learning about Terms! So I think we have learnt it before, but we are just getting a catch upon it. 
So for our task, we got to make either an Adobe spark, screencastify and/or an animation, I chose a video/Adobe spark. It took me a while to make it but, I have finally made it! So here it is :

Hope you enjoyed the video! And I hope that it helps you out with solving terms~! Bye Bloggers~!!!

Friday, July 3, 2020

~+*. Our beautiful Aurora Borealis .*+~

Kia Ora Bloggers~!
Its the last week of school! *well for most of you* Are you excited? What will you be getting up to in the holidays? I might be going to Kaikoura to see my Grandparents. 

Today we have been finishing up our topic on Matariki, and now we are discussing the beautiful, Aurora Borealis {or as you may call then the northern lights }.  

The Northern Lights are colourful lights that light up the sky usually in the North pole, and in the South Pole, It is called Aurora australis. The colours are usually blue and green, but sometimes it's Violet, yellow, pink, orange and sometimes red. The name Aurora comes from the Roman goddess of Dawn because in Latin it means Aurora. 

Here is my Art, It was pretty simple ~ 

Hope you think it looks good! Well, hope you all have an amazing Holiday! Bye Bloggers~!

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

+*.~ Our crying earth { My Art piece } ~.*+

Kia Ora Bloggers!
How are you today? Are you happy that this is the last week for school? (well it is for most). 

For Art this Term, we have been doing it about Global Issues. Global Issues is a very big thing in our world and it is destroying it, it is killing our ecosystem and our animals.

For our Art, we got to choose what Global issue we were going to base it on, and I chose to do it on Pollution, Pollution is a very bad thing for our world all thought it did stop while we were all in quarantine, but it has come back.

Ok, ok enough chit chat from me, Here is my Art, and the blurb about what it means :

CariDee ~ Pollution

My topic is Pollution. Pollution is a very big problem in the world, and it needs to be stopped. The Pollution in our world did kinda stop while we were in quarantine, but now, the pollution is coming back. Up to 20 million tonnes of plastic goes into the ocean every year and that's as much as 3 kilograms per person each year! And scientist says that by 2050 there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish. 

My Piece of art is an eye crying a pool full of water, with plastic floating in the pool of water. 
Well, that was my Blurb, I can't find my Art thought, so sorry about that, as soon as I find it I will post it up, Well, Till next time... Cya Bloggers!!

Friday, June 26, 2020

*.+ The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ~ Sorry I am late +.*

Hey Bloggers!!!
How you feeling? What are you up to?

I know this is very late but I have finished my Wizard of oz site!! The reason I was late was that I kept on forgetting about publishing it to the web, so sorry about that. So since I have no idea what else to put here, I am just gonna talk about what I have on my site, On my Woz site {Wizard of Oz} it shows theories and facts, about the characters, the cast, behind the scenes and more!~~ Well, that's enough talking, here is my site!

Well, I hope you like it! Till next time, Bye Bloggers!!!!~~

*.+ My Magically Amazing Matariki Animation +.*

Hey Bloggers!
How have you been? What have you been up to?

This week, for Maori, we have been discussing the topic Matariki, or as some people call it, the Maori new year. Matariki, also known as the seven sisters,  have many storeys about them, and their names are Tupu-a-nuku, Tupu-a-rangi, Waiti, Waita, Waipuna-a-rangi, Ururangi and Matariki! There are actually 9 but there are only 7 that can be seen and have been named. Well here is my animation, and sorry if it is a little goofy :
Well i hope you liked it! Till next time, Bye Bloggers!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2020

*.+. Meet Mr. Penguin .+.* :D

Kia Ora Bloggers!
How are you all feeling today?

For maths, we have been learning about units, volume and how to measure shapes with units. So, for the whole week, we have been learning about it, and we all made a slide to show what we have been doing and how we have been doing it, and I wanted to present it to you in a ‘fun’ way. I have made an animation for you, It is about a penguin named ‘Mr. Penguin’, and he is a famous maths... teacher? I think. So here it is : 

So I hope you like it, and I will see you soon, see ya bloggers!
P.s The pink workbook is what I actually did for maths :3

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

~ *.+. Brilliant Binary .+.* ~ :3

Kia Ora Bloggers!
Happy Wednesday!
How are you all today?

Thursday, June 11, 2020

+.* Revolting Racism *.+ { #blacklifesmatter }

Kia Ora Bloggers!
How are you today? I am pretty great, Nz moved into level one and scientists say that there is no Corona! <3

But, there is something I have needed to tell you guys, and it is about Racism... It needs to stop! It is ruining our lives! Right now, in America, racism is getting really bad, people get sprayed with tear spay, they get beaten and they get killed all because of the colour of their skin. I am not gonna lie, this kind of racism is probably worse than COVID-19... Because this is getting out of control! Here is an image of 'racism' and I have written about it :
Stay safe! see you Bloggers!

Monday, June 8, 2020

'.*.+ My Ironic Irony +.*.'

Good afternoon Bloggers!

For Inquiry, we have been learning about Irony and the three different types of it. The three different are Situational, Dramatic and Verbal. Situation Irony, Just say a world champion cake carrier walks into a shop, and whoops! He drops it, Situational Irony is the opposite of what u expect to happen. Dramatic Irony, Just say there is a boat in the sea and a shark is chasing after it, the people in the boat wouldn't know that a shark is after them. The last one, Verbal Irony, It is kinda like sarcasm, so, Imagine it is a beautiful day outside, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping then your friend turns to you and says 'Wow! It's so cold here!'. For our work we had to create a comic strip based on a type of Irony, so here is mine :

Hope you like it! Cya bloggers!

Friday, June 5, 2020

Friyay! { Also Going to you my finished Koru art }

Kia ora Bloggers!

Happy Friyay!
How are you doing today? Well, I am doing pretty good! 
This week I have gotten up to a lot of stuff. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

We're off to see the wizard!

Hey Bloggers!

For my literacy, we are still carrying on with our websites on the Wizard of Oz. Mine is almost done, I just need to add more facts/Theory's. Since I don't want to keep you waiting, here is another screenshot of what it looks like so far. But before I show you the photo, I would like to tell you what I have done for Maori, on Fridays. We have been learning about Koru's, and we got to make our own design's. We drew them and then coloured them in pastels, and after that, we dyed the background, there was a choice of colour dye, there was black, green, yellow and purple, I chose purple. Right now we are letting them dry. Here is the picture of the website so far :

Well, see you next time, Bye Bloggers!!!!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Plan, front and side

Hey Bloggers!

Today, in math, we are still learning about plan, front and side, ut now we are using some 'building blocks' and making or own shape. We were put in a group of four and we made our own. I was in a group with some of my friends and we made a very crazy shape!
We had to make a sketch of the shape, then we got to colour it, here is my shape!

Sorry if its bad quality :3 Well hope you are happy and healthy and I will see you soon, Bye Bloggers!!!! :D

Friday, May 22, 2020

Welcome back!

Kia Ora Bloggers!

Welcome back to school! It is great seeing my friends again, and you're probably thinking that too. At my school {in my class} it's gone back to normal and I am happy that it is, after those 8 weeks, I have really been missing school and my friends {like I said before}.  

Over the time in lockdown, my literacy class have been discussing The Wizard Of Oz, First, we had to read the book, we did some tasks, then we got to watch the movie, and did more tasks and now I am at school. Right now for The Wizard of Oz, we are making a website to show people stuff like behind the scenes, Theories and a little description for each character in the film/book. Here is a screenshot of what it looks like so far, I will add a link for when it is done :D
For maths, we have been learning about Plan, front and side. Plan front and side are kinda like a way to see stuff in a kind of 3D way. Plan means a birds-eye view of the object, Front is obviously the front of the object, and side is the side of the object. Here is a screenshot for my front, side and plan, I did it of my cupboard.
Have you made a website before? Have you learnt about Plan, front and side? Have you seen the Wizard of Oz before? Hope you are happy and healthy and enjoy your weekend! Bye Bloggers!!

Friday, May 15, 2020

Happy Friday! / The Dark side of the Wizard of Oz

Kia Ora Bloggers!
Happy Friyay!

This week for our/my learning in literacy, we have been discussing the Wizard of Oz, but we are talking about the book and movie now{since we have all seen the movie and read the book}. We were talking about The Wizard of Oz, we got to create our own animals {I made an elephant crossed with a butterfly}, what things are different from the book and the movie, and my favourite, taking a  bit from the book or movie and turning it upside down {what I mean is making it dark/scary}. Here is my story :

Dorothy skips down the yellow brick road with Toto and her new friends, the Tin Woodman and The scarecrow. Toto runs ahead as he hears something off in the distance, the others follow him. They end up in a very dark bit of the forest, they start hearing growls, they all huddle together {as they were obviously scared} until a huge Lion jumps out of the bushes right behind them, Dorothy runs and hides behind an old, rotten tree and the Tin Woodman and scarecrow in a bush right beside the tree. Dorothy then covers her mouth like she is going to scream, she was staring at the lion who was staring at Toto and licking his lips, Dorothy quickly grabs the Tin woodman’s axe and jumps out from behind the decaying tree, The lion immediately puts his eyes on Dorothy, as quick as a cheetah he grabs the axe off Dorothy. He throws the axe behind him and charges for Dorothy. 

Dorothy puts her hand in front of her and lifts him off his feet, strangling him by his neck in the process, he tries to run but goes higher and higher up, his face turned red then blue and now purple, he yelled out for help but nobody could hear him, he thought this was the end until Dorothy dropped him, she grabbed Toto, Dorothy then asked the Lion “do you wanna come with us, we are going to the Wizard” “yeah” the scarecrow said coming out from behind the bush “I am going to get a brain” the Tin woodman came out of the bush and said “yeah, and I am going to the WIzard to get a heart” “I am going to the wizard to get back home to Kansas” Dorothy said “maybe he can give u some strength or courage” she looked at the Lion, still struggling to get up, “sure” he said with a very croaky voice “I’ll go”.

Hope you like it :3 Well, till next time, Cya bloggers!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Happy Friday!

Kia Ora Bloggers!

Happy Friday!
Today we get to do really fun things { It's Friday, of course there would be some fun }. We have to do something for Tech/Technology, and we got to choose what we wanted to do out of Top Hat challenge, The Pizza challenge, Crazy races and the Window challenge just to name a few. I chose the Boredom Buster, its when you get to make your own board game, I have made it and I named it Time Travel. The other thing was to make your own animal, It took me a long time to draw but it was really fun, here are my results : 
It has a Fennec fox head and its ears, a Unicorn horn, Butterfly wings, Lion tail, Duck feet and wings/arms/hands, Cat eyes and whiskers, Owl body and mouse nose.
Well, till next time, Cya Bloggers ^-^

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

School is back! :D

Kia ora Bloggers!

As you can see from the title I am happy that school is back, well not really, I am talking about online school/home school. My school just started doing it today and its pretty fun, its kinda like school, its the same work but from home. For our literacy today we were talking about what our new topic is this term, The Wizard Of Oz. Our task was, What do you think Oz looks like? So this is what I wrote: 

I open my eyes and see colours I have never seen before. I looked around and saw mushrooms the size of trees and trees the size of mushrooms. A vivid rainbow hangs over my head as I skipped down a yellow brick road. I looked to my right and saw bright green bushes and colourful wildflowers scattered everywhere across a bright green field. I looked to my left and saw little cottages lined up perfectly. Off in the distance, I see an old brick castle with black paint ripping off the walls inside.

So what do you think? Do I need to change anything? Give me some feedback to help me change things, Well till next time, See ya Bloggers!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

What I have been doing so far in our lockdown

Hey bloggers!
This week I have been doing quite a lot of stuff, I have been scootering around my neighbourhood when it is sunny outside, talking with my friends, a little more fitness and since our house is right across from the golf course, me, my brother and my mum went over and played some golf, but for the past few days I haven’t been feeling the greatest, so I am not doing much, I am getting better though. So what have you been doing? Well, till next time, see ya bloggers! Stay safe!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

What I have been doing this week because of the Virus

Kia Ora bloggers!

Lots has happened this week because of Covid-19 {Corona Virus}. Well first, our school went onto lockdown, so I had to stay home. Since I had to stay home, my mum cam up with some little activity’s to do otherwise I would get board, so far I have done fitness, swimming, gaming, talking to my friends and baking { lots of baking }, it is very fun so far. Oh, and me and my friends have been talking on an app called House Party, It is super fun, you can talk to as many of your friends as you want and play games with them. Well till next time, Bye bloggers! Stay safe!

Friday, March 13, 2020

My Pepeha

Kia Ora Bloggers!

Every Friday we learn about our family’s in Maori. So after a few weeks of learning about our family’s, we started doing our pepeha’s. We got to add Bitmoji’s as people but I don’t have bitmoji so I searched up some that looks like me and my family, but other than that I hope you think that it is good. So here it is!

Till next time, Bye Bloggers!

Meet Taco the Wizard!

Kia ora Bloggers!

For our Samoa language studies, we are learning how to count in Samoan. To show what numbers we know in Samoan, we went on a coding website called Scratch, it is an easy coding site for kids, you should try it out it's really fun, ok back onto topic. Taco the Wizard is a fast translater, just put in a number { 1-20 } and Taco the Wizard will magically turn your number into Samoan. Try it out!  

So what do you think? Do you think I should add more numbers? Give me some feedback so I could fix up somethings! Well, till next time, Bye Bloggers!

Friday, March 6, 2020

My Samoan Language Studies

Hey Bloggers!

Every Wednesday, when the morning group is at Tech, the rest of the class do tasks, { like what I said on my last post } some do Samoan some do binary. So the last post I did one on binary, here is one on what we have been learning about Samoa. So far we have been learning about the Alphabet, but last Wednesday we were learning about how to count to ten in Samoan, it is not on my slide yet but it has some fun facts and the alphabet on it :

Hope you like it so far, Well, till next time, Bye bloggers!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Here is a challenge for you.....

Hey bloggers!

Every Wednesday morning half of the class goes to Tech, but the people who stay behind do work about the Samoan language or learn about binary. This Wednesday we did a drawing and put them into binary numbers, so here is a challenge for you, I will but some binary numbers here and you have to make it into a picture. Here it is:



See if you can do it, oh and the 1's are black and the 0's are white. Cya later Bloggers!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

My Sestina / NZ writing

Hey Bloggers!

For Literacy this week we have made a Sestina { A Sestina has six sentences with six words in each sentence and it is a poem }. Here is my Sestina:

1. The plane starts to take off
2. Sunny hot days at the beach
3. Me and my family having fun
4. Me swimming with dolphins up North
5. At Bay of Islands for Christmas
6. On the plane back to Christchurch

Well, that was my Sestina for NZ writing. We will be sending these to a school in Hamilton. We are looking forward to reading theirs.

Well, till next time
See ya Bloggers!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Our Super S.P.C.A Poster!

Hey bloggers!

For the past weeks, we have been learning about places to call or go in Christchurch if you need help. We have been writing all about them and now I know that there are so many places to go for help for different reasons like V.O.P, Woman's Refuge, Foodbank, Automobile Association and Salvation Army just to name a few. This week, we got to make our own poster for one of the company's and we got to pair up in buddy's, so I went with my friend Gaia and we did S.P.C.A. Enough chit chat, here is my poster!
So what do you think of it? Do we need to change anything? Give us some feedback so we could change some things around! Well till next time, Later Bloggers!

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

My Fantastic Family Tree!

Hey Bloggers!

Everybody has a family tree, right? Well in class we all made a family tree so we could see were each other's families are from, most of my family are Kiwi's, but on my mum's side there is a little Dutch, enough chit chat, here it is:

Do you like it, Give me some feedback so I could touch up somethings! Well bye Bloggers!

How to speak Samoan!

Hey Bloggers!
The other week we were learning about the Samoan Language, and how to say the letters from the Alphabet, We got to make a slide on how to say the words, do me and my friend, Gaia, made an animation. Here it is!

Well, bye Bloggers!

Friday, February 21, 2020

My Super Statistics slide

Kai ora bloggers!

This week my maths group have been learning about Statistics. We were also shown a fun and new website to do maths tasks on called Khan Academy, it is so fun! We made a slide called Statistics WorkBook. We made it because it is a slide to keep track of our scores to see if we get better or worse, so enough talking, here's my slide 

Bye readers!

Friday, February 14, 2020

My "Perfect" Piece Of My Portrait Art

Kia Ora Bloggers!

Welcome to 2020!!!!!!
Hope you all had a great summer break and you are all prepared and excited for more learning!

Now you all know that time at school when we do something to do with drawing and painting and coloured pens and pencils, yes I am talking about Art.

Well... that is what we did in my class. 
We all did self - portraits based on a different style of art. Our art was based on an artist called Romero Britto.

Well, anyways I should show you my Art.....

Hope you like it!
Bye for now!😃😊